Asheville -- April 4, 2024: The Asheville Downtown Association believes Downtown

should be beautiful, safe, and welcoming for all. At the State of Downtown, we revealed that our recent stakeholder survey showed progress in perceptions of safety, but there's still an urgent need for permanent enhanced services. We're advocating for a Business Improvement District which will provide just that.

State of Downtown Keynote speaker Gerren Price, President & CEO of the DC Businesses Improvement District, outlined how BIDs tackle safety and cleanliness head-on. From graffiti removal to year-round pressure washing, along with the support of outdoor dining, implementation of tourist ambassadors, landscaping projects, and maintenance crews, BIDs are meticulously designed to enhance city services - not duplicate them.

"There's immense potential when you have a Business Improvement District deeply invested in your community," Gerren emphasized, highlighting the transformative power BIDs bring to fostering positive change.

“BIDs are designed and intended to help amplify, enhance services, and actually make it easier for the city to get stuff done.” -Gerren Price

“We recognize the power of activating our public spaces; to foster a sense of community and public safety. We believe it will take a multi-faceted approach to address the perception of the safety of Downtown.” -Hayden Plemmons

Let's unite and create a Downtown we're proud to call home. Show your support by encouraging City Council members to approve a Downtown Business Improvement District. Sign the petition at

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