Asheville Improvements Sidewalks, Stormwater Systems Downtown Area
The City of Asheville is working hard to ensure our downtown is enjoyable and accessible to all.
Here are just some of the updates to sidewalk and Stormwater system improvements starting this March.
Patton Avenue Sidewalk Replacement
The City of Asheville Public Works Streets Division will be out as part of the sidewalk replacement project along the section of Patton Avenue between Asheland Avenue and Coxe Avenue.
This project will make important improvements to pedestrian safety and accessibility under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines. The project is expected to finish in April 2024.
While the City is improving these sidewalks, itโs important to note our local businesses along the stretch remain Open for Business!
Next Phase of the Carter St, Ann St, Patton Ave Stormwater Project set to begin
Construction on the next phase of the Carter-Ann-Patton Stormwater Improvement project is expected to resume during the week of March 25, 2024. The upcoming phase will include the construction of several new stormwater catch basins on the north side of Patton Ave, between N. Ann St. and Clingman Ave., as well as sidewalk reconstruction.
Construction on the stormwater catch basins and sidewalks will be completed between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. on weekdays. This phase of work is anticipated to take two weeks to complete depending on weather, and will include lane closures that require westbound traffic to shift to the south side of Patton Ave. during construction. A single lane in each direction will remain open, and traffic will not be detoured for this phase of construction.
Drive on Patton Ave a lot? Follow the updates, keep your eyes on the plan as well as the road.
* Kim Miller, City of Asheville
Image Credit: City of Asheville