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Asheville -- July 20, 2023: City of Asheville Government Press Release: As part of these efforts, the City will be implementing a new ordinance, effective August 1, 2023, that prohibits the use of plastic bags for brush and leaf collection.

Asheville -- July 15, 2023:  Officers with the Asheville Police Department were called to Mission Hospital around 10:00 PM Friday in response to a report of a person suffering from a gunshot wound.

Asheville -- July 15, 2023: Officers from the Asheville Police Department Thursday, arrived shortly after the Asheville Fire Department and emergency medical services personnel at the scene of a woman who was burning along the 100 block of New Leicester Highway.

Waynesville -- July 14, 2023: WNCTimes continues to follow a story on the death of a man in Waynesville, July 13, 2023. Waynesville Police have now identified the man, found deceased inside a vehicle that was parked on Hazelwood Avenue next to a train track.

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