Haywood -- Press Release: Haywood County Government Haywood Health and Human Services offers the North Carolina Breast and Cervical

Cancer Control Program (NC BCCCP) providing free or low-cost

screenings and follow-up care for eligible women in North Carolina. Early detection of breast and cervical cancers can save lives, and we want to ensure all women have access to these vital services.

You may be eligible for NC BCCCP if you:

-Are uninsured or underinsured
-Do not have Medicare Part B or Medicaid
-Are ages 40-64 for breast screening and 21-64 for cervical screening
-Have a household income below 250% of the federal poverty level

Call Mallory Garcia at 828-452-6675 for more information or to schedule an appointment. There is no out-of-pocket cost for eligible women!


Image: WNCTimes


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