Haywood County Board of Commissioners January Meeting
Haywood County -- January 22, 2025: Haywood County Government Press Release: Haywood County Board of Commissioners Regular
Meeting January Evening
January 21, 2025:
- Administrative/Agency Reports/Presentations
-Haywood County staff and community partners provided an overview of Helene recovery efforts in the county.
-Vannoy Construction representatives gave an update on the construction progress and other details of the Detention Center expansion project.
2. Consent Agenda (passed)
-Approval of amended December 2, 2024, and January 6, 2025, meeting minutes.
-Approval for Releases, Refunds, and Discoveries from the Tax Assessor’s Office in December 2024.
-Approval for the December 2024 Tax Collections update and refunds.
-For informational purposes only: According to G.S. 159-15, the governing board can authorize the budget officer, through a resolution or ordinance, to transfer funds between appropriations within the same fund. This is subject to any limitations set by the board. All such transfers must be reported at the board’s next regular meeting and recorded in the minutes.
3. Regular Agenda (passed)
-Approval to use $4,434 from the fund balance to buy three computers for the Canton Library branch. The funds were planned, and the computers were ordered in FY24.
4. Appointments (passed)
-Approval to appoint Mark Jaben to a 3-year term on the Haywood County Recreation Advisory Board.
Image: WNCTimes