McDowell County -- January 17, 2025: Press Release: McDowell County Sheriff's Office: Detective Grant Robinson with the McDowell County

 Sheriff’s Office charged 60-year-old Jeffrey Brian Merrow of Marion with felony Embezzlement and felony Larceny. He was given a secured bond of $5,000. On October 28, 2024,

Deputy Alicia Lund spoke with members of a local church regarding embezzlement, fraud and theft. Merrow, who was pastor of Garden Creek Baptist Church at that time, was named as the suspect.

During the meeting with church members, numerous receipts were presented to Lund for goods that were never purchased or services that were never rendered, all paid for using church funds. One receipt was for a claim to a local insurance company for items that were never stolen.

Church members also reported that large amounts of cash donations for hurricane relief, collected from attendees and the community, were handed to Merrow but never turned in for their intended use. Additionally, community-donated items for hurricane relief such as generators, chainsaws, heaters, and more—were reported stolen.

Merrow is currently on supervised probation for Obtaining Property by False Pretense greater than $100,000, from an unrelated incident.
Upon further investigation, a warrant issued for his arrest on November 19, 2024. He was taken into custody on January 5, 2025.
This investigation continues.


Editor's Note: A  criminal charge is an accusation, by law, a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven in a court of law.


Image: McDowell County Sheriff's Office


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