WNC -- January 11, 2025:  FEMA has announced another extension of its Transitional Sheltering Assistance (TSA) program for survivors

of Tropical Storm Helene in North Carolina. Originally set to end in December 2024, the program’s move-out date has now been extended to January 14, 2025. This marks multiple extensions by FEMA as they respond to the ongoing challenges faced by displaced families.

The repeated extensions aim to address immediate housing needs for more than 4,900 families who remain in temporary accommodations following storm-related damages. Adverse winter weather and limited housing availability have made it difficult for survivors to transition to permanent homes, prompting FEMA to continue providing support.

The TSA program offers short-term sheltering in hotels and motels for eligible survivors while they work toward long-term housing solutions. FEMA is also providing rental assistance, direct housing support, and case management services to ensure a smooth transition to stability.
Survivors are encouraged to reach out to FEMA through DisasterAssistance.gov, the FEMA App, or by calling 1-800-621-3362 for continued assistance.
Image: WNCTimes

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