Asheville -- January 11, 2025: Press Release City of Asheville:  After assessing area conditions Saturday morning, roads and sidewalks

remain slippery and dangerous to traverse.  Temperatures are predicted to remain near freezing into Saturday night, leading to a black ice threat into Sunday morning. 

Transit Service
Due to continuing impacts on roadways, all ART services will be suspended for today, January 11. Depending on roadway conditions improving, all services will resume at 12:00 p.m. tomorrow, January 12. After 12:00 p.m., routes will resume the regular Sunday schedule. Updates will be provided if any further changes to service occur.

Travel is not recommended unless absolutely necessary.  Public safety personnel are on standby to provide service.  Should you have an emergency situation, call 9-1-1.  

Code Purple remains in effect through Monday, January 13, 2025.
Image: WNCTimes

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