Henderson County -- December 16, 2024: Henderson County Sheriff's Office: On December 11, 2024, the Henderson

County Criminal Investigations Division with the assistance of the

North Carolina Department of Adult Corrections, U.S. Marshals Service, and Homeland Security Investigations, conducted residence verification checks of offenders currently on the Sex Offender Registry maintained by the Sheriff of Henderson County.

As set forth in North Carolina General Statute 14-208.5, the General Assembly recognizes that sex offenders often pose a high risk of engaging in sex offenses after being released from incarceration, commitment, and that protection of the public from sex offenders is of paramount governmental interest.

The following registered sex offenders were arrested and charged:
-Matthew Moses (arrested) – NCGS 14-208.11 (a)(10) Failure to inform the Registering Sheriff of online identifiers.
-Salvatore Esposito (arrested) - NCGS 14-208.11 (a)(10) Failure to inform the Registering Sheriff of online identifiers
.-Bruce Allen, Jr. (arrested) - NCGS 14-208.11 (a)(10) Failure to inform the Registering Sheriff of online identifiers.
-Paul Hespelt (arrested) - NCGS 14-208.11 (a)(10) Failure to inform the Registering Sheriff of online identifiers.
-Christyan Garetson (arrested)NCGS 14-208.11 (a)(10) Failure to inform the Registering Sheriff of online identifiers; $20,000.00 Secured Bond
-David Coleman (arrested) – NCGS 90-95 Possession of Methamphetamine: Possession of Fentanyl.-Marcus Roberts (arrested) - NCGS 14-208.11 (a)(10) Failure to inform the Registering Sheriff of online identifiers.
-John Johnstone (FUGITIVE) - NCGS 14-208.11 (a)(2) Failure to notify the last Registering Sheriff of a change of address.

-Sebastian Huerta-Molinero (FUGITIVE ) - NCGS 14-208.11 (a)(2) Failure to notify the last Registering Sheriff of a change of address.
-David Galloway (arrested) - NCGS 14-208.11 (a)(2) Failure to notify the last Registering Sheriff of a change of address.
Sebastian Huerta-Molinero and David Galloway are actively being sought by the Sheriff’s Office.

Sheriff Griffin appreciates the State and Federal partnerships with the North Carolina Department of Adult Corrections, U.S. Marshals Service and Homeland Security Investigations as we strive to ensure the safety of all the children of Henderson County.

Anyone with information is encouraged to contact Detective Brice Molton at (828) 694-2715 or can use the “submit a tip” featured on our mobile app.

For more information about people on the registered sex offender registry, can go to sexoffender.ncsbi.gov

Image: WNCTimes

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