Asheville -- December 14, 2024: The Asheville Police Department (APD) is alerting the community about a significant

increase in scam calls targeting residents.

Scammers are impersonating members of local law enforcement, falsely claiming that the victim has an outstanding warrant or is subject to a pending arrest.

Victims are instructed to resolve the alleged issue by making payments through kiosks, such as Coinstar, where they are directed to convert U.S. currency into cryptocurrency. The scammer then asks the victim to input a specific phone number at the kiosk to complete the fraudulent transaction. In some cases, scammers may also request payment through gift cards or direct phone transactions.

Key Details of the Scam:

*Scammers pose as law enforcement officers, often using intimidation tactics.
*Victims are told to pay fines, bonds, or court fees immediately to avoid arrest.
*Payments are directed through cryptocurrency kiosks, gift cards, or over the phone.
The Asheville Police Department wants to remind the community that law enforcement agencies will never ask anyone to pay fines, bonds, or fees using cryptocurrency, gift cards, or over the phone. Any such request is a scam.

If you receive a suspicious call of this nature:

1. Do not engage. Hang up immediately.
2. Verify the claim. Contact your local law enforcement agency directly using official contact numbers. For APD, that non-emergency number is (828) 252-1110.

APD is actively investigating these incidents and working to protect residents from falling victim to these scams. Please share this information with family, friends, and neighbors to help prevent further victimization.

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