McDowell County --  December 9, 2024: U.S. Forest Service - National Forests in North CarolinaSuccessful firefighting

operations and rainfall stalled fire growth on the Buck Creek Fire, allowing firefighters to reach 75% containment.

The Buck Creek Fire, which began from a downed powerline, is located east of Highway 80 in the Lake Tahoma area of Marion, NC.

Yesterday, firefighters monitored the fire to determine the success of burnout operations that were conducted Saturday evening. Limited fire activity was observed, and no additional fire growth was seen. Favorable conditions in the afternoon allowed for fire managers to accurately map the fire area by foot. The total fire size is 518 acres, revised down from the 520 reported yesterday due to improved mapping. Rainfall overnight further helped to reduce hot spots and increase containment.
Today, firefighters are monitoring the fire, focusing on areas around private property. Fire managers are tracking rainfall totals. Additional rainfall over the next several days should help to extinguish any remaining flames. Hot spots may still be present in the interior of the fire area, and smoke could still be experienced in areas near Marion.
The fire is burning primarily on U.S. Forest Service lands in the Grandfather Ranger District, part of the Pisgah National Forest. Both U.S. Forest Service and NC Forest Service resources are working under a unified command for the Buck Creek Fire with approximately 48 personnel on scene. McDowell County Emergency Management is assisting.
Highway 80 in McDowell County remains closed except to local traffic due to damage from Hurricane Helene. Please avoid the area for the safety of our firefighters and the public.

Photos of Buck Creek firefighting operations by Lisa Jennings, U.S. Forest Service

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