McDowell County -- December 6, 2024: McDowell County Government: McDowell County Helene Recovery Update. 

Hotel Voucher Program for Disaster Survivors extended until 1/11/25.

At the request of the state of North Carolina, FEMA is extending the Transitional Sheltering Assistance program through Jan. 11. FEMA will continue providing hotel and motel rooms to Helene-affected families. Survivors should contact FEMA or visit a Disaster Recovery Center for more information on the hotel voucher extension.

Deadline to Apply for FEMA Assistance is 1/7/25.

Survivors have just over a month to apply for assistance. The quickest way to apply is online at Or use the FEMA App for mobile devices. You can also call the FEMA Helpline at 800-621-3362 or visit the Disaster Recovery Center in Marion located at 100 Spaulding Rd. The deadline is Jan. 7. Survivors should stay in contact with FEMA after they apply for assistance, and let the agency know what housing or other urgent needs you may have for your recovery.

Disaster Recovery Center remains open in Marion:

A Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) is a one-stop shop to meet with FEMA representatives, apply for FEMA assistance, receive referrals to local assistance, apply with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) for low- interest disaster loans and more. No appointment is needed.
DRCs are open 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturdays. Please visit the DRC in McDowell County located on the lower level of the McDowell County Senior Center at 100 Spaulding Rd. in Marion.

Read Your FEMA Letter Carefully:

f you applied for assistance, you will receive a letter explaining your application status. If you are not currently approved for assistance, you may need to send additional documentation to FEMA. You can easily upload documents to or submit them at a Disaster Recovery Center.

Qualifying Private Nonprofit Houses of Worship May be Eligible for FEMA Grants:

FEMA’s Public Assistance program may cover costs to repair or replace facilities damaged during the storm.
Interested applicants should contact North Carolina Emergency Management at

Debris Removal Operations Continue:

As of Thursday 12/5/24 over 24,290 cubic yards of debris has been picked up across McDowell County. Debris removal operations continue seven days a week. Debris crews are also hard at work removing silt from the Town of Old Fort. For more information on debris removal visit:

Image: WNCTimes

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