Asheville -- December 9, 2024: Press Release: Asheville Police are investigating an armed robbery that occurred

at a convenience store in west Asheville just after midnight.

Officers responded to the 600 block of Smokey Park Highway around 12:01 a.m. on December 7th to investigate an armed robbery. Upon arrival, the suspect had already fled. Officers were able to get a description of the suspect who entered the store wearing a black jacket, black gloves, and a motorcycle helmet with a visor.

After initially attempting to purchase ice, the suspect brandished a handgun at an employee and ordered them to lock the front door. Instead, the employee ran out the door and into the parking lot where there were occupied vehicles, prompting the suspect to flee the scene. The suspect was last seen heading westbound on Smokey Park Highway on a black motorcycle.

The suspect is described as a Black male, 6’0”, medium build, and at the time of the crime, was wearing a black jacket, black gloves, and a motorcycle helmet with a visor. 

Detectives ask if you have any information about the incident or the identity of the suspect please contact APD at (828) 252-1110. You can also send an anonymous tip using the TIP2APD smartphone application (search “Asheville PD” in your app store) or by texting TIP2APD to 847411.

Image: Asheville Police

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