U.S. Forest Service -- December 7. 2024 National Forests in North Carolina Press Release: Firefighters fully contained 

the 5-acre Newberry Creek Fire yesterday. 

The Buck Creek fire remains at 20% contained and is now 120 acres. Both fires are burning in McDowell County on the U.S. Forest Service Grandfather Ranger District, part of the Pisgah National Forest. The fires started from downed power lines on Thursday, December 5.


The Buck Creek Fire is located east of Highway 80 in the Lake Tahoma area of Marion, NC. Yesterday, the fire grew to 120 acres as firefighters made progress on installing containment lines in the rugged terrain. The fire is growing steadily due to dry conditions and low humidity. Today, firefighters are working on completing fireline construction on the east side of the fire to limit its proximity to private property. Helicopters are assisting with waterdrops to slow fire progression towards the firelines. Burnout operations are possible this afternoon along Highway 80. Burnout operations help to slow the spread of the fire by removing unburned vegetation, such as leaf litter and downed branches, between the firelines and the active fire area.

Smoke from the Buck Creek Fire is impacting communities around the region, particularly Marion, along the Highway 221 corridor. Use caution when driving through smoky areas, particularly in the evenings and mornings when smoke settles closer to the ground.

Four houses remain at risk within the Buck Creek Fire area. The North Carolina Forest Service is continuing to monitor private property as the fire spread further into the National Forest. Both U.S. Forest Service and NC Forest Service resources are working under a unified command for the Buck Creek fire with approximately 110 personnel on scene. McDowell County Emergency Management is assisting.

The Newberry Creek Fire is located in the Curtis Creek area near Old Fort, NC. While the fire is now 100% contained, firefighters will continue to monitor it throughout the weekend.
Photos of Buck Creek firefighting operations by Lisa Jennings, U.S. Forest Service




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