Buncombe County -- November 21, 2024: Buncombe County Government Press Release: As we head into cold 

temperatures, Buncombe County and partners remain committed to supporting

residents through ongoing recovery efforts from Hurricane Helene and cold weather sheltering. FEMA continues to provide temporary housing, and there are currently more than 1,000 families who are staying in hotels through FEMA while more permanent housing is finalized. To register with FEMA visit disasterassistance.gov/

Anyone who was displaced from their homes by Helene in need of a warm place can contact Western Carolina Rescue Ministries
 at 828-254-0471. 

Western Carolina Rescue Ministries has taken over operations for the county’s storm response shelters from the American Red
 Cross. WNC Rescue Ministries has been working closely with Buncombe County Social Work Services staff and other community partners to find solutions for shelter residents and coordinate access to needed services while at the shelter. 

Code Purple Sheltering 

Code Purple is a longstanding community initiative that promotes safety for people experiencing homelessness by expanding
 emergency shelter capacity during cold weather from October 15 - April 30. 

Code Purple is currently active for November 20-23. Here are some details on the initiative: 

The Code Purple Work Group develops plans and coordinates operations and includes shelter and outreach providers, public safety staff, transit
 operators, and volunteers 

Code Purple is called for each night individually 48 hours in advance, based on the forecast on weather.gov for days at 

32 degrees or below, including windchill 

33 - 40 degrees with precipitation 

Partners include ABCCM, ART/City of Asheville, City of Asheville, Code Purple Communication Team, Public Safety Staff, and
 Buncombe County Government. 

During Code Purple Days, expanded sheltering is available at: 

Location : ABCCM  20 20th Street  828-259-5333, Population: Single Men Hours Intake: 4-8 p.m Exit: 7:30 a.m.
Exit: 7:30 a.m. Transit Route: S3 or S6 at Gerber Road S

Intake: 4-8 p.m. 

Exit: 7:30 a.m. 

Location: ABCCM Transformation Village 30 Olin Haven Way 828-259-5365 Population: Women and Children Intake: 4 p.m. - 8 p.m.

Exit: 7:30 a.m.  Trasent Route W2

Community members interested in being added to the Code Purple notification distribution list can email

ABCCM is in need of volunteers for their Code Purple sheltering efforts, those interested in volunteering can email

American Red Cross 

American Red Cross has been on the ground, providing assistance after Helene. Some highlights of their impact in the
 community include: 

Nearly 249,000 emergency supply items to over 57,000 households. 

A total of six emergency disaster shelters were opened and operated with almost 12,800 overnight stays. 

Served over 218,000 meals along with partners, in addition to the 16,000 shelf-stable meals that were distributed before kitchens were established. 

While no longer currently overseeing sheltering in the County, the American Red Cross continues to support partners in the
 sheltering space. 

Private Property Debris Removal (PPDR) Program 

Buncombe County property owners in unincorporated areas, the City of Asheville and Black Mountain impacted by Hurricane
 Helene, who do not have debris removal insurance, may apply to have qualified disaster debris removed from their property at no cost through PPDR. The program also covers the demolition of eligible unsafe structures. 

Application Locations  

Asheville Mall (same location as the FEMA Disaster Recovery Center, open daily, from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. These times will adjust
 as the FEMA DRC hours adjust) 

Barnardsville Fire Department (Tuesday-Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.) 

Swannanoa Fire on Bee Tree Road (Tuesday-Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.) 

Fairview Library (Tuesday-Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.) 

Applications are also available online at


For questions, contact the One Buncombe hotline at 828-250-6100 (option 2), Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. 

Debris Removal Progress in the Right-of-Way 

Hurricane Helene created an estimated 10 million cubic yards of debris in the County. As of this morning, crews have
 collected over 208,000 cubic yards from public rights-of-way, with 45 trucks actively working across all zones.   

FEMA Disaster Recovery Center Hours 

The Asheville Mall Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) has adjusted its hours: 

New Hours (effective Nov. 25):  

Weekdays: 8 a.m.–6 p.m. 

Saturdays: 9 a.m.–2 p.m. 

Closed Sundays and Thanksgiving weekend (Nov. 28–Dec. 1)Current hours continue to be 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. every day until December 25. 

Visit www.fema.gov/drc or text “DRC” and a ZIP code to 43362 for other locations. 

Hazard Mitigation Grant Program 

Homeowners can apply for projects like elevation, reconstruction, or property acquisition to reduce future disaster
 impacts on their properties.  

Applications are open online for one year, to learn more,
read this article, and to start the process fill out this five-minute

Waste Pro Collection Update 

Waste Pro will continue household trash and recycling routes in accessible areas. For areas still inaccessible, household
 bagged trash drop-offs will be available from 8:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m. at: 

Thursday, Nov. 21: Ingles Fairview (225 Charlotte Highway) 

Friday, Nov. 22: North Buncombe Pool (734 Clarks Chapel Road, Weaverville) 

 FCC Trash Service Transition 

New trash and recycling bins will start being delivered to residences in early December. Current Waste Pro customers
 are encouraged to sign up now online to avoid service disruption in the new year.  

Asheville-Buncombe Rebuilding Together Grant Fund 

Businesses in Buncombe County and Asheville impacted by Hurricane Helene can apply for grants up to $25,000 to cover
 recovery expenses not covered by insurance. Applications are available in English and Spanish at


Water Distribution and Care Stations 

Although the boil water notice has been lifted, water distribution, laundry, and shower services continue at Community
 Care Stations. These services are available 7 a.m.–7 p.m. daily (closed Thanksgiving Day). 

For additional recovery resources or questions related to Hurricane Helene, call the One Buncombe Call Center at 828-250-6100
 (Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.). 


Image: WNCTimes

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