City of Asheville Helene Recovery Update Nov 18, 2024
Asheville -- November 18, 2024: City of Asheville Update Helene Recovery & Resource: Public officials will hold news
briefings Monday - Friday at 11 am
The briefings are streamed live at facebook.com/buncombeGov and broadcast on Blue Ridge Public Radio 88.1 FM. You can also listen on the Asheville Media Group stations at 105.9, 96.5, 98.1, 105.5 and 97.3 (Spanish) and iHeart radio stations at 99.9, 104.3, 105.1, and 570 AM.5432
The City of Asheville continues to work diligently to provide customers with potable water. Water Resources launched an
investigative sampling program focused on testing for lead and copper from 25 locations across the distribution system, in
partnership with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and the federal Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA). Plumbing in structures built before 1988 have the potential to be a source of lead exposure if lead leaches
into water traveling through private property pipes. Lead exposure poses significant health risks, especially for pregnant
women, breastfeeding mothers, and children under the age of 6, if ingested. It is important to note external use such as
showering, dishwashing and washing clothes are not at risk for lead exposure. These samples were sent to an
independent, third-party lab, and results indicated detectable lead levels from the pipes in seven schools. All copper levels
were well below regulatory limits. It is important to note lead levels were not found in the water source itself, but rather
from water traveling through older pipes.
See recommendations to avoid lead exposure until the boil water notice is lifted below:
● Use bottled water: Drinking bottled water is the safest way to avoid lead exposure. Bottled water is being distributed
throughout the City and County. Free potable water is available at multiple distribution sites across the City and
County. Residents are encouraged to use these resources as needed.
● Boil water guidance: If you must use the tap water for consumption it is recommended to run tap water for 30
seconds to two minutes or until a temperature change is noticed each time before boiling. This EPA-recommended
flushing practice can reduce potential lead presence in the short term.
If you have concerns regarding exposure to lead and are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have children under 6 please contact
your healthcare provider.No water bills are currently being issued, so additional flushing will not incur costs for residents.
Moreover, extra flushing will expedite the overall process of restoring corrosion control and lifting the boil water notice
sooner. Residents, particularly those in homes built before 1988, are strongly encouraged to participate in Asheville’s free
lead and copper testing program. To request a testing kit, or for more information on protecting against lead exposure,
contact Water Resources at 828-259-5962 or email leadprevention@ashevillenc.gov. Additional information is available
online at ashevillenc.gov/leadawareness.
The City of Asheville is partnering with Eblen Charities to provide rental assistance to those affected by Hurricane Helene.
You can find the application forms and more information at https://www.eblencharities.org/programs/
City staff and contractors are actively working to remove storm debris. Due to the volume of debris, we cannot provide
exact times and locations for collection. Collection will be ongoing. As of November 16, over 88,000 cubic yards of storm
debris located in City parks is being collected. Beginning this week, contractors will begin to collect trees and storm debris
that are hanging or leaning over the right of way. Today the contractor will have 30 trucks running. The zones will be as
1 grapples/trailers in the (Zone 1)
1 grapples/trailers in the (Zone 2)
7 grapples/trailers in the (Zone 3)
7 grapples/trailers in the (Zones 4 & 5)
6 grapples/trailers in the (Zones 6)
8 grapples/trailers in the (Zones 7 & 8)
Additional information can be found at ashevillenc.gov/helene/debris-removal
● The community can place storm debris at the curb in the right of way. Debris should be separated at the curb by
category: construction, appliances, electronics, vegetative, and household hazardous materials. There will be
multiple passes at collection - you do not have to have it all out at once.
● The contractor cannot collect directly from private property. However, if your pile starts at the curb in the right-of-way
and stretches into your yard in a continuous manner, their equipment can reach about 18 feet as long as there are no
overhead lines or obstructions.
● Do not place or lean debris near or on trees, poles or other structures including fire hydrants, meters, and curbside
trash carts. Do not block the roadway. Ensure access for large trucks & emergency vehicles.
● Do not attempt the cleanup process without proper protective equipment: long pants, safety glasses, gloves and
sturdy shoes are recommended.
ART bus service will continue to be free of charge to all community members until further notice.
Food, bottled drinking water, and bulk water for flushing (please bring your own containers, like 1⁄2 gallon buckets and
water totes) are being distributed throughout the area. Please see below the City of Asheville and Buncombe County at
the locations and times:
● Sky Lanes Bowling Alley, 1477 Patton Avenue, Asheville - 9a.m. - 7 p.m.
● Black Mountain Ingles, 550 NC-9, Black Mountain, 28711 - 12p.m. - 4p.m.
● Fairview Ingles, 225 Charlotte Highway - 12p.m. - 4p.m.
● Swannanoa Ingles, 2299 US 70, Swannanoa - 7a.m. - 7p.m.
● Linwood Crump Shiloh Community Center, 121 Shiloh Road, Asheville - 9a.m. - 7p.m. (no bulk water for flushing)
● Pack Square Park, 70 Court Plaza - 9a.m. - 7p.m.
● Buncombe County Sports Park, 58 Apac Dr., Candler - 7a.m. - 7p.m.
● 980 Brevard Rd in the At Home store parking lot - 9a.m. - 7p.m.
● 85 Tunnel Rd in the Innsbruck shopping center parking lot - 9a.m. - 7p.m.
Community Care Stations are set up across Buncombe County, 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. daily, offering hot showers, laundry, wi-fi,
bathrooms, charging stations, water, and meals. All amenities are free to the public. Please bring your own towels and
toiletries for showering. All locations have an ADA accessible shower and restroom.
Community Care Station locations
Owen Pool, 117 Stone Dr
Fairview Ingles, 225 Charlotte Hwy
At Home Store (Parking Lot), 980 Brevard Rd
Big Lots/Innsbruck Mall, 85 Tunnel Rd
Bethel United Methodist, 1050 Riceville Rd
Swannanoa Ingles, 2319 US Hwy 70
Morgan Hill Baptist Church, 594 Barnardsville Hwy
Buncombe County Sports Park, 58 Apac Dr.
Storm debris removal is critical for community safety and there continues to be a sense of urgency about debris removal.
The longer storm debris remains in our neighborhoods and business areas, the longer we are living with fire and safety
hazards. Storm debris removal is also critical to businesses reopening and economic recovery. Temporary sites are
necessary to process and ultimately remove debris from our community. Temporary sites will be diligently monitored for
safety and compliance with environmental regulations. Safety will remain at the forefront of every decision and we remain
committed to outreach and information sharing in residential and business neighborhoods near any temporary site. The
activities at temporary sites include: debris staging, grinding, compacting and preparation for hauling to a permanent site
outside of the city. No toxic hazardous materials will be brought to temporary sites. Temporary sites will receive
construction and demolition materials, appliances, electronics, and vegetative material. Some designated areas will also
serve as temporary sites for vehicles and household hazardous waste (HHW), which includes normal household items like
household cleaning chemicals, paint, and small propane tanks. HHW will be contained to prevent leaching into soil.
● Hardesty Lane Site - this site is permitted and is actively being utilized by the contractor
● Enka Commerce Park Site - this site is actively permitted and being utilized by the contractor
● Julian Shoals – this site is permitted and is actively being utilized by the contractor
● 65 Ford Street - will only be used if needed. With the exception of vegetative debris, storm debris on this site will be
● Front 9 of the Municipal Golf Course - will only be used if needed.
More information on storm debris processing sites can be found at www.ashevillenc.gov/helene/debris-removal
A Disaster Recovery Center (DRC), where you can receive support from FEMA and the Small Business Center, is now
open at Asheville Mall (3 S. Tunnel Rd), 8 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Recursos de Recuperación de la Tormenta Tropical Helene
Se publican nuevas actualizaciones diariamente.
Esta es la información más reciente disponible a las
9 a.m. del Lunes 18 de Noviembre, 2024.
Las oficinas de la Ciudad están abiertas al público. Quemar desechos de
jardín, hojas y escombros no está permitido dentro de los límites de la ciudad
debido a múltiples preocupaciones de seguridad.
Los funcionarios públicos realizan conferencias de prensa de Lunes a Viernes a las 11 am. Las conferencias se
transmiten en vivo en facebook.com/buncombeGov y en BlueRidge Public Radio 88.1 FM. También puedes escucharlas
en las estaciones de Asheville Media Group 105.9, 96.5, 98.1, 105.5 y 97.3 (en Español) y en las estaciones de iHeart
Radio, incluyendo 99.9, 104.3, 105.1 y 570 AM.
La Ciudad de Asheville sigue trabajando diligentemente para proporcionar agua potable a sus usuarios. El Departamento
de Aguas lanzó un programa de muestreo investigativo enfocado en pruebas de plomo y cobre en 25 ubicaciones del
sistema de distribución, en colaboración con el Departamento de Calidad Ambiental de Carolina del Norte (DEQ) y la
Agencia de Protección Ambiental de EE. UU. (EPA). Las instalaciones de plomería en construcciones previas a 1988
pueden ser una fuente de exposición al plomo si este se filtra en el agua que pasa a través de tuberías de propiedad
privada. La exposición al plomo supone riesgos significativos para la salud, especialmente para mujeres embarazadas,
madres lactantes y niños menores de 6 años, si se ingiere. Es importante señalar que el uso externo, como ducharse,
lavar platos y lavar ropa, no presenta riesgo de exposición al plomo. Estas muestras fueron enviadas a un laboratorio
independiente de terceros, y los resultados indicaron niveles detectables de plomo provenientes de las tuberías en siete
escuelas. Todos los niveles de cobre estaban muy por debajo de los límites reglamentarios. Cabe destacar que no se
encontraron niveles de plomo en la fuente de agua en sí, sino en el agua que viaja a través de tuberías más antiguas.
Algunas recomendaciones para evitar la exposición al plomo hasta que se levante el aviso de hervir el agua:
● Uso de agua embotellada: Beber agua embotellada es la forma más segura de evitar la exposición al plomo. El agua
embotellada se está distribuyendo en toda la Ciudad y el Condado, así como hay agua potable gratuita disponible
en varios puntos de distribución. Se anima a los residentes a utilizar estos recursos según sea necesario.
● Recomendación para hervir agua: Si necesita usar el agua del grifo para consumo, se recomienda dejar correr el
agua del grifo de 30 segundos a dos minutos, o hasta que se note un cambio de temperatura, cada vez antes de
hervirla. Esta práctica recomendada por la EPA puede reducir la posible presencia de plomo a corto plazo.
Si tiene inquietudes sobre la exposición al plomo y está embarazada, amamantando o tiene niños menores de 6 años,
comuníquese con su proveedor de atención médica. Actualmente no se están emitiendo facturas de agua, por lo que el
enjuague adicional no generará costos para los residentes. Además, el enjuague adicional acelerará el proceso general
de restaurar el control de corrosión y levantar el aviso de hervir el agua más pronto. Se alienta encarecidamente a los
residentes, especialmente aquellos en viviendas construidas antes de 1988, a participar en el programa gratuito de
pruebas de plomo y cobre de Asheville. Para solicitar un kit de pruebas o para obtener más información sobre cómo
protegerse contra la exposición al plomo, comuníquese con Recursos Hídricos al 828-259-5962 o envíe un correo
electrónico a leadprevention@ashevillenc.gov. Información adicional está disponible en línea en
La Ciudad de Asheville se está asociando con Eblen Charities para brindar asistencia de alquiler a los afectados por el
huracán Helene. Consigue las formas para aplicar y más Información en https://www.eblencharities.org/programs/
El personal y los contratistas de la Ciudad están trabajando activamente para eliminar los escombros de la tormenta.
Debido al volumen de escombros, no podemos proporcionar horarios ni lugares exactos para la recolección. La
recolección continuará. Al 16 de Noviembre, se han recolectado más de 88,000 yardas cúbicas de escombros de la
tormenta. A partir de esta semana, los contratistas comenzarán a recolectar árboles y escombros de la tormenta que
están colgando o inclinados sobre el derecho de vía. Los contratistas hoy tendrán 30 camiones en las siguientes zonas:
1 camion/trailer en la (Zona 1)
1 camion/trailer en la (Zona 2)
7 camiones/trailers en la (Zona 3)
7 camiones/trailers en las (Zonas 4 & 5)
6 camiones/trailers en las (Zonas 6)
8 camiones/trailers en las (Zonas 7 & 8)
Puede encontrar información adicional en ashevillenc.gov/helene/debris-removal/
● La comunidad puede comenzar a colocar escombros en la acera en la vía pública. Los escombros deben separarse
en la acera por categoría: construcción, electrodomésticos, electrónica, vegetación y materiales peligrosos para el
hogar. Habrá múltiples pases y recogidas - no es necesario que los saque todos a la vez.
● Los contratistas no pueden recolectar directamente de la propiedad privada. Sin embargo, si tu pila comienza en la
acera en la vía pública y se extiende hasta su patio de manera continua, tu equipo puede alcanzar
aproximadamente 18 pies, siempre que no haya líneas aéreas u obstrucciones.
● No coloques escombros cerca o sobre árboles, postes u otras estructuras. Esto incluye bocas de incendio,
medidores y carritos de basura en la acera. No bloquees la vía pública. Asegúrate de que haya acceso para
camiones grandes y vehículos de emergencia.
● No intentes el proceso de limpieza sin el equipo de protección adecuado: se recomiendan pantalones largos,
anteojos de seguridad, guantes y zapatos resistentes.
El servicio de autobuses ART seguirá siendo gratuito para todos los miembros de la comunidad hasta nuevo aviso.
Comida, agua para beber, y agua para el inodoro (por favor trae tu propio contenedor, como un balde de 1⁄2 galón) serán
distribuidos en tu área. Consulta los lugares y horarios en la Ciudad de Asheville y el Condado de Buncombe:
● Sky Lanes Bowling Alley, 1477 Patton Avenue, Asheville - 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.
● Black Mountain Ingles, 550 NC-9, Black Mountain, 28711 - 12 p.m. - 4 p.m.
● Ingles, 225 Charlotte Highway - 12p.m. - 4p.m. (reubicacion de Fairview Elementary y AC Reynolds Middle)
● Swannanoa Ingles, 2299 US 70, Swannanoa - 7 a.m. - 7 p.m.
● Linwood Crump Shiloh Community Center, 121 Shiloh Road, Asheville - 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. (no hay agua para el retrete)
● Pack Square Park, 70 Court Plaza - 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.
● Buncombe County Sports Park, 58 Apac Dr., Candler - 7 a.m. - 7 p.m.
● 980 Brevard Rd in the At Home store parking lot - 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.
● 85 Tunnel Rd in the Innsbruck shopping center parking lot - 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Hay Estaciones de Atención Comunitaria en todo el Condado de Buncombe, de 7 a.m. a 7 p.m., que ofrecen duchas con
agua caliente, lavandería, wi-fi, baños portátiles, estaciones de carga, agua y comidas. Todos los servicios son gratuitos
para el público. Trae tus propias toallas y artículos de tocador para ducharte. Todas las ubicaciones cuentan con ducha y
un baño accesibles según la ADA. Ubicación de las Estaciones de Atención Comunitaria
Owen Pool, 117 Stone Dr
Fairview Ingles, 225 Charlotte Hwy
At Home Store (Parking Lot), 980 Brevard Rd
Big Lots/Innsbruck Mall, 85 Tunnel Rd
Bethel United Methodist, 1050 Riceville Rd
Swannanoa Ingles, 2319 US Hwy 70
Morgan Hill Baptist Church, 594 Barnardsville Hwy
Buncombe County Sports Park, 58 Apac Dr.
Storm debris removal is critical to community safety and there is a sense of
urgency surrounding this process. The longer debris remains in our neighborhoods and
commercial areas, the longer we live with fire and safety risks. Debris removal is also
essential to business reopening and economic recovery. Temporary sites are necessary to
process and ultimately remove debris from our community. These sites will be diligently monitored
to ensure safety and compliance with environmental regulations. Activities at the temporary sites
include: storage, crushing, compaction, and preparation of debris for transfer to a permanent site
outside of the city. No toxic hazardous materials will be brought to the temporary sites. These sites will receive
construction and demolition materials, appliances, electronics, and plant material. Some designated areas
will also serve as temporary sites for vehicles and household hazardous waste (HHW), which includes
normal household products such as cleaning products, paint, and small propane tanks. Household hazardous waste
will be accounted for with proper containment to prevent leaching into the ground.
● Hardesty Lane Site - is permitted and is accepting all types of debris and waste on Saturday, Nov. 2.
● Enka Commerce Park Site - This site is permitted and is actively being used by the contractor.
● Julian Shoals - This site is permitted and is actively being used by the contractor.
● 65 Ford Street - will only be used if necessary. With the exception of vegetative debris, storm debris
currently at this site will be removed.
● Front 9 Municipal Golf Course - This site will only be used on a need-to-know basis.
More information about these sites is available at www.ashevillenc.gov/helene/debris-removal/
A Disaster Recovery Center (DRC), where you can receive support from FEMA and the Small
Business Center, is now open at the Asheville Mall (3 S. Tunnel Rd), from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.