Today, Governor Roy Cooper attended a meeting for western local governments hosted by the North Carolina League of

Municipalities and North Carolina Association of County Commissioners focused on discussing urgent needs to support ongoing recovery and rebuilding in the wake of Hurricane Helene in Western North Carolina.

“Today, I heard from municipal and county leaders from across Western North Carolina about their medium and long-term needs to rebuild and strengthen their communities after Hurricane Helene,” said Governor Cooper. “We will continue every day the work of repairing these communities as we move toward new state and federal administrations to ensure there is a coordinated bipartisan strategy to get the job done.”

In October, Governor Cooper announced his budget recommendation to help Western North Carolina rebuild stronger. Governor Cooper recommended an initial $3.9 billion package to begin rebuilding critical infrastructure, homes, businesses, schools, and farms damaged during the storm. Initial damage estimates are $53 billion, roughly three times Hurricane Florence estimates in 2018 and the largest in state history.

While the legislature failed to pass the amount outlined in the Governor’s budget for recovery, legislators will return later in November and could provide additional needed relief for Western North Carolina.

Governor Cooper has traveled to 15 counties impacted by Hurricane Helene since the storm hit North Carolina. Recovery and relief efforts are ongoing in Western North Carolina as local, state and federal partners work together to help those affected by Hurricane Helene.


Image: NC Governor's office

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