Rutherford County -- November 4, 2024: The Rutherford County Sheriff's Office posted a Scam Alert on social media

The Rutherford County Sheriff’s Office has been made aware of a scam affecting Rutherford County.

Someone claiming to be an Officer with the Rutherford County Sheriff’s Office is calling people telling them they have a warrant for their arrest. The person then says if they don’t send them money, they will come arrest them. The people committing these scams are using names of actual Deputies at the Sheriff's Office.

The Sheriff’s Office would never call and request money from someone who has a warrant. If you receive a call from someone attempting this, disconnect the call. You can call the Sheriff’s Office at 828-287-6247 or the Rutherford County Communications Center at 828-286-2911 if you wish to verify any information.

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