Hendersonville -- September 29, 2024: City of Hendersonville: State of Emergency in Hendersonville -- In order to

protect public safety and keep people off the roads, many of which are impassable due to downed trees, power lines, and flooding, Mayor Barbara Volk has updated the City of Hendersonville’s state of Emergency to include a curfew from 8 PM to 8 AM.

This state of emergency is declared by the City of Hendersonville.

The state of emergency shall be in effect beginning at 8:00 AM on the 26th day of September, 2024.
The state of emergency covers the municipal boundaries of the City of Hendersonville, as well as all City-owned properties and facilities.
The City Manager is hereby authorized to take necessary actions and expend City funds to protect City facilities and the health, safety and welfare of Hendersonville citizens.
All special event permits are hereby revoked until the end of the state of emergency.
Pursuant to the authority of N.C.G.S. 166A-19.31 and Section 36-134 of the Hendersonville City Code of Ordinances, I hearby impose a curfew of 8 PM upon all inhabitants of the City. Such curfew shall restrict and prevent the presence and movement of people in public places, and shall restrict and prevent the presence and movement of all persons on and about all public and private streets, and public vehicular areas; provided however that such curfew shall not restrict the following:
a. Law enforcement personnel in carrying out their lawful duties.

b. City and volunteer fire department personnel in the performance of their lawful duties.

c. All City and other publicly employed emergency personnel acting in an emergency management capacity in managing emergency response, and in otherwise responding to the impacts of Helene and emergencies in the City.

d. Utilities personnel (water, sewer, electric, telecommunications, gas and any public utility provider) in the performance of their duties, including but not limited to the repair and restoration of utility services.

e. Emergency medical personnel and first responders in the performance of their duties.

f. Other volunteers, City personnel, or other persons designated to act in a emergency management capacity by the City Police, City Fire, Public Works personnel, City Manager, or Assistant City Manager to respond to the impacts of Helene or respond to emergencies in the City.

g. Personnel employed by a medical facility, such as a hospital or urgent care, traveling to and from work.

h. Persons traveling to and from work.

Such curfew shall be in effect from 8 PM until 8 AM the following day for every day that this declaration is in effect, or until removed by amendment to this declaration.

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