Hendersonville -- September 25, 2024: City of Hendersonville: Tropical Storm Helene is expected to bring heavy rainfall,

dangerous flooding, and strong wind gusts starting Thursday and continuing into the weekend.

In response to the anticipated extreme weather, the City of Hendersonville has canceled all special events occurring this weekend, including the Hendersonville Farmers Market and Art on Main. The City prioritizes the safety of the community, and cancellations aim to limit unnecessary travel while allowing public safety and public services personnel to focus on emergency response and recovery efforts.

The Laura E. Corn Mini-golf course located at Edwards Park will also be closed on Friday, September 27, and Saturday, September 28.

Visit www.hvlnc.gov/helenecancellations for more info and preparedness tips to keep yourself and your family safe ahead of the storm. Downtown Hendersonville, NC Visit Hendersonville, NC

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