CHEROKEE -- Cherokee County Sheriff's Office December 21, 2018


Murphy, NC— Sheriff Derrick Palmer announced the December 19th, 2018 arrest of 21 year old John Mckinley Hogan of Marble North Carolina for thefts.

During the early morning hours of December 19th, 2018 the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office received a complaint that the fenced in area of a local business had been entered and a military type fuel truck had been stolen along with damaging the fence.

As deputies of the Patrol and Investigations Division were continuing the investigation additional information was made known of a four wheeler that had been stolen some distance from the original breaking and entering. Additionally, information was made known to the deputies that Hogan had previously been suspect into other thefts.

The Patrol Deputy went to the area where Hogan lived. Upon spotting the deputy Hogan gave a short chase before being arrested by the deputy.

During the investigation the truck and the four wheeler have been recovered.

John Mckinley Hogan was charged with 2 counts LARCENY OF MOTOR VEHICLE, RESISTING PUBLIC OFFICER, 2 counts INJURY TO REAL PROPERTY, FIRST DEGREE TRESPASS, FAILURE TO APPEAR ON MISDEMEANOR. Hogan is currently being held in the Cherokee County Detention Center under a $26,500.00 secure bond.

Sheriff Palmer stated “Excellent team work between Investigations and Patrol in clearing this case so quickly.”

To report suspicious activity and suspect violations of the law please call 828-837-1344 or submit a tip at

*Editor's note: A criminal charge is an accusation, by law, a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven in a court of law.







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