Asheville -- August 20, 2024 -- Press Release: City of Asheville The Asheville Fire Department is excited to

announce that it will be hosting the Mountain Fire Investigation Summit, organized by the North Carolina International Association of Arson Investigators (NCIAAI), from August 20 to August 22 at the AB Tech Woodfin Campus.

This summit is a significant event that draws fire investigators from across the state, with approximately 85 students already registered to attend. It promises to be an enriching experience, providing attendees with advanced training and hands-on opportunities to enhance their fire investigative skills.

The summit’s agenda is packed with critical topics, including:

Prosecution Strategies: Led by the District Attorney’s Office, this section will provide valuable insights into the legal aspects of fire investigations, ensuring that investigators are well-equipped to work closely with legal professionals in arson cases.

Fire Protection Systems: Participants will delve into the intricacies of fire protection systems, learning how these systems operate and how they can impact the investigation process.

Hands-On Photography: Investigators will engage in practical sessions focusing on the importance of photography in documenting fire scenes, capturing crucial evidence, and supporting investigative findings.

Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs): A full day is dedicated to understanding IEDs, providing in-depth knowledge on identifying and safely managing these dangerous devices.

Fatal  Fire Investigation: designed for fire investigators to focus on understanding and analyzing fire-related fatalities. This course equips investigators with the skills and knowledge necessary to determine the origin and cause of fires that result in death.

The Asheville Fire Department is proud to host such a vital event and looks forward to contributing to the professional growth of fire investigators across North Carolina.

Contact Kelley Klope 828-768-1437 with any questions.

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