Haywood County -- July 29, 2024: Haywood County Government: The Haywood County Tax Assessors Office is

currently conducting a comprehensive reappraisal of all properties within the county for the 2025 tax year. This state-required initiative ensures property values are fair and accurate, reflecting today's market conditions for everyone in our community. 

North Carolina General Statute 105-286 requires all counties to do a reappraisal at least every 8 years. Haywood County is on a 4-year reappraisal cycle.
Every four years, the reappraisal process in Haywood County is crucial for property taxes. By reviewing property values, the county can set fair tax rates that match market changes, ensuring taxes are distributed fairly.
"We are committed to upholding transparency and fairness in our property tax system," said Judy Hickman, Haywood County Tax Assessor. "The reappraisal process allows us to accurately reflect changes in property values, ensuring that all property owners contribute their fair share to support essential services and infrastructure within our community."

Haywood County residents can expect to receive notifications regarding the reappraisal process well in advance. These notifications will provide important dates, steps, and resources for property owners to address any questions or concerns they might have during the reappraisal period. Property owners are encouraged to stay informed and engaged in the reappraisal process to better understand your valuation.

We encourage you to review your property record card for data accuracy. You can access your record card online on the Haywood County GIS website. It's always a good idea to double-check the details yourself.
In an effort to keep the community well-informed, Haywood County tax officials are extending an invitation to interested
groups for informational sessions. Contact Judy Hickman at judy.hickman@haywoodcountync.gov to set this up.

For more information and updates on the 2025 reappraisal process, residents are encouraged to visit the Haywood County Website or contact the Tax Assessors Office directly at 828-356-2754.  haywoodcounty.gov

Image Credit: WNCTimes

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