Transylvania County -- July 18, 2024: Transylvania County Sheriff's Office Scam Alert: It has come to our attention that t

    here is yet another SCAM going around Transylvania County.

    Business Owners please check your business listing on Google and ensure your phone number and address information is correct.

    In this particular SCAM someone changed the phone number in Google for Queens Wrecker Service to a number in Black Mountain and they are taking credit card numbers over the phone and saying a wrecker is on the way. The two problems with that are you are not talking to Queens Wrecker Service and there is not a wrecker on the way.

    The Correct Phone Number for Queens Wrecker Service is 828-862-4250.
    We are currently investigating this incident and working to get this situation resolved.

    Again, business owners please search your business name in Google and ensure that your information has not been changed. If it has please report that to Google ASAP.

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