Burke County -- June 24, 2024: Press Release Burke County Sheriff's Office: On June 6, 2024, the Burke County Sheriffโ€™s Office investigated a report of larceny

    from East Burke High School. It was reported that multiple items, including tools, were stolen from the Agriculture Department.

    After a citizen tip, investigators canvased the area and spotted items consistent with the property stolen from East Burke High School in a driveway located at 3931 East Burke Blvd., Connelly Springs.

    Once detectives saw tools and other items consistent with the equipment reported stolen, they got out at the residence and attempted to make contact with homeowners. They saw more items and tools in the yard that belonged to East Burke High School. A search warrant was drafted and executed at the residence, and more reported items were recovered in an outbuilding and inside the residence.

    Jessie James Shull and Telitha Nicole Shull were arrested on the scene without incident and charged with Felony Possession of stolen property. Jessie Shull received a $15,000 unsecured bond and Telitha Shull received a $15,000 secured bond. Both were placed in the Burke County Jail. Upon further investigation, more charges may be forthcoming.

    Editor's Note:* A criminal charge is an accusation, by law, a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven in a court of law.

    Image: WNCTimes

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