Avoid Accidents: Properly Dispose of Combustible/Flammable Materials
Asheville -- Press Release City of Asheville: On June 18, Sanitation staff encountered a fire in one of our trash trucks
due to improper disposal of combustible/flammable materials such as car parts, linseed oil, and possibly fuel filters.
Thankfully, the truck was close to a local fire department. Sanitation staff and firefighters quickly responded, dumped the load, and extinguished the fire. No injuries occurred, but this incident could have been much worse and was entirely avoidable.
Did you know that combustible/flammable materials account for 25% of waste vehicle fires? Often, thereโs no sign of a problem until the truck is moving and air fans a smoldering fire into a full blaze. The only safe way to handle these fires is to dump the load and let the local Fire Department handle it.
Prevention is key! To avoid such dangerous situations:
Do NOT dispose of hot ashes from fireplaces or barbecues, paints or paint thinners, oils, fuels, brake fluid, pool or spa chemicals, and automobile batteries in your trash.
Educate yourself and others about the risks associated with combustible items.
Find recycling guidelines here: ashevillenc.gov/service/what-can-i-recycle
Search for how to properly recycle or dispose of items using the Waste Wizard tool here: https://www.ashevillenc.gov/department/public-works/sanitation/avl-collects/
Find household hazardous waste info here: https://www.ashevillenc.gov/service/dispose-of-household-hazardous-waste/