APD Charge Man for Stabbing Another with Hypodermic Needle
Asheville -- June 18, 2024: Police in Asheville charged a man on Monday with stabbing another man
in the back with a hypodermic needle following a disagreement on Biltmore Avenue.
The victim told investigators that he and his family were heading south on Biltmore Avenue on May 31 around 6:30 p.m. when they were approached by a man asking for money. After denying, the suspect picked up a hypodermic needle from the ground and stabbed the victim in the back while he was walking away.
Detectives conducted an investigation and charged Julien Bryan McArthur with Assault With A Deadly Weapon With Intent to Inflict Serious Injury and Solicit ALMS. McArthur was apprehended on June 17 and charged with resisting a public officer.
McArthur was booked into the Buncombe County Detention Facility on a magistrate-issued secured bond of $51,000 (or $5,100 to a bondsman).
Editor's Note:* A criminal charge is an accusation, by law, a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven in a court of law.