Haywood County Board of Commissioners Meeting June 2024
Haywood County -- June 18, 2024: The Haywood County Board of Commissioners June Regular Evening Meeting
was held on Monday, June 17th, 2024, at 5:30 PM. Please review the following board update and let Dillon Huffman, Public Information Officer, know if you have any questions.
1. Public Hearing
-A public meeting was held to discuss an application and a special request to build a new cell phone tower near Crabtree Road in Waynesville.
2. Administrative/Agency Reports/Presentations
-Tax Assessor Judy Hickman provided the board with an update on the progress of the 2025 property reappraisal process.
3. Consent Agenda (passed)
-Approval for the meeting minutes from May 20th and June 3rd.
-Approval for Releases, Refunds, and Discoveries from the Tax Assessorโs Office in May 2024.
-Approval for the May 2024 Tax Collections update and refunds.
-Approval for the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council (JCPC) Haywood County Plan and Certification for the fiscal year 2024-2025. This plan requires annual approval and uses pre-approved, budgeted county funds.
-Approval to carry forward purchase orders, grants, and projects from fiscal year 2024 to fiscal year 2025.
-Approval for the adoption of Grants Management Policies and Procedures, to be effective starting July 1, 2024.
-Approval of a revision to the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Grant Ordinance, with no changes to the overall budgeted funds. This revision involves reallocating expenditure categories within 6.1 to free up broadband funds from the deadlines imposed by the US Treasury. The net effect on the funding remains $0.
-Approval to submit a lottery application for two change orders related to previously approved high school track resurfacing projects.
4. Regular Agenda
-Approval of the project amendment for Mountain Projects Bethel Village, as proposed by the Southwestern Commission NC HOME Consortium. (passed)
-Approval for the Clyde Volunteer Fire Department to enter into a financing contract to purchase a new Toyne 1500 GPM 2000-gallon pumper tanker truck totaling $573,297.36. Chief Wentfard Henson has proposed paying 50% down ($286,649) initially, with the remaining 50% to be financed upon delivery of the truck, expected in 2-3 years. (passed)
-Approval for proposed changes to the Consolidated Fee Schedule. (passed)
5. Appointments
-Approval for the appointment of Tammy McDowell to the Haywood Community College Board of Trustees. (passed)