Raleigh -- June 17, 2024: Press Release North Carolina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services:  Large animal veterinarians in North Carolina

    are eligible to apply for up to $25,000 in funds to help support their large animal practice. This $125,000 fund was created by the N.C. General Assembly in 2023 and will be administered by the N.C. Ag Finance Authority. 

    The funding opportunity is available to veterinarians who practice in one of the 70 North Carolina counties with a population of 100,000 or fewer and that spend 30% or more of their patient care involved in large animal veterinary care. 

    โ€œNorth Carolina, like many other states, has a deficit of large animal veterinarians. In many areas of the state, a single veterinarian may be the only option within 100 square miles,โ€ said Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler. โ€œThese funds can be used for repayment of educational loans related to the recipientโ€™s veterinary degree, to purchase equipment or technology for use in the practice or any additional uses the advisory committee determines is appropriate to promote and develop large animal veterinarians to practice in the designated counties.โ€

    The application period runs from June 17 through Aug. 16. Applications are available online at  https://fs4.formsite.com/QopHZM/4llcxkovj4/signup. More information on the grant program can be found in frequently asked questions. 

    The Large Animal Health Enhancement Advisory Committee will make the determination on grant dispersal based on eligible applications. This committee includes the N.C. Commissioner of Agriculture; the State Veterinarian of North Carolina; the Executive Director of the North Carolina Agricultural Finance Authority; one designee from the Food Animal Scholars Program, North Carolina State University, College of Veterinary Medicine; two practicing large animal veterinarians; two representatives of the livestock industry; one designee by the Commissioner of Agriculture of North Carolina; and one designee by the State Veterinarian of North Carolina.

    Deadline to Apply is August 16, 2024

    Image: WNCTimes


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