Ashville -- April 9, 2024: Over the weekend, Asheville Police investigated two drive-by shootings in which someone fired multiple rounds, causing damage to unoccupied cars.

No one was wounded, and only property damage has been reported at this moment.

In the first incident, officers arrived at Pisgah View Apartment Complex at 12:15 a.m. on April 7 to investigate reports of gunfire. When officers arrived, the subject had left the scene. Officers found two unoccupied automobiles that had been hit by gunshots. While combing the area, officers discovered 24 bullet casings.

After studying surveillance footage, investigators identified a white Nissan Altima that drove away immediately after the gunshot. In the second incident, officers rushed to the Deaverview Apartment Complex at about 4:11 a.m. on April 7 to investigate reports of gunfire. When officers arrived on the site, they discovered an unoccupied vehicle from the earlier incident. Officers canvassed the area and found no evidence of property damage. They did find eleven shot casings.

APD Detectives are asking for the public’s help. If anyone has any information about these incidents, you are encouraged to contact APD at (828) 252-1110. Or you can send an anonymous tip using the TIP2APD smartphone application (search “Asheville PD" in your app store) or by texting TIP2APD to 847411.


Image Credit: WNCTimes

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