McDowell County Man Charged with Drug Offenses After Traffic Stop
McDowell County -- April 4, 2024: McDowell County Sheriff’s Office charged Alan Scott Randolph
with felonious Possession of Methamphetamine, felonious Maintaining a Dwelling/Vehicle for a Controlled Substance, felonious Possession with Intent to Manufacture, Sell or Deliver Methamphetamine and an Expired Operators License. Randolph was issued a $40,000 secured bond.
While policing the vicinity of US 221 South in Glenwood on March 29, officers pulled over a car driven by Randolph. He could not produce a legitimate driver's license. When the car was searched, methamphetamine was found.
Editor's Note:* A criminal charge is an accusation, by law, a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven in a court of law.
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