McDowell County -- March 28, 2024: On Monday, while on patrol in Marion, McDowell County Sheriff's Community Impact

Team Detectives pulled over a vehicle suspected of using a fake license plate. 

The traffic stop was facilitated by Detective Burnette and K-9, who alerted the driver to the possibility of drug possession. The search uncovered marijuana and methamphetamine.

Eric Eugene Houck was named as the driver and faces the following charges:

Felonious Possession of Methamphetamine 
Possession of Marijuana up to ½ Ounce
Houck was issued a $10,000 secured bond

Deana Marie McKinney  was also charged with the following:

Felonious Possession of Methamphetamine
McKinney was issued a $5,000 secured bond.

Editor's Note:* A criminal charge is an accusation, by law, a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven in a court of law.


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