Franklin -- March 15, 2024: This morning the Franklin Police Department reported the following:

On Friday, March 8, 2024, at approximately 10:00 PM, FPD Officer Peyton Arnold was doing traffic enforcement on the west side of town, when she observed a traffic violation. Officer Arnold attempted to stop the vehicle at which time a vehicle pursuit ensued. The vehicle fled a short distance before eventually pulling over. During the traffic stop investigation, Officer Arnold determined the occupants of the vehicle threw a handgun from the vehicle during the pursuit. The handgun was located on the roadside, and had obvious alteration of the serial number.

Chandler Reed Stanley of Franklin was charged with the following:
Felony Possession of Firearm by Felon
Felony Alter/Remove Gun Serial Number
Misdemeanor Flee/Elude Arrest
Driving While License Revoked
No Liability Insurance
No Registration
Brake/Stop Light Equipment Violation
Drive Left of Center
He was issued a $20,000 secured bond.

Samantha Nichelle Ramsey of Franklin was charged with the following:
Felony Possession of Firearm by Felon
Felony Alter/Remove Gun Serial Number
Felony Possess Controlled Substance on Prison/Jail Premises
Felony Possess Heroin, and Resisting Public Officer. She was issued a $10,000 secured bond.

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