Rutherford County -- March 10, 2024: The Rutherford County Sheriff's Office Report 3/9/2024:

Deputies with the Rutherford County Road Patrol division, who have been serving multiple warrants throughout the county, went to an address in Union Mills to serve an indictment to James Avery Padgett II.

As a result of an investigation deputies started while on scene, 19.2 grams of Methamphetamine along with a glass pipe was discovered. James Avery Padgett II, 45, of Union Mills, was arrested and charged with the following:

Felony Statutory Sex Offense with a Child by Adult
Felony Indecent Liberties with a Child
Misdemeanor Child Abuse
On-View Charges
Felony PWIMSD Methamphetamine
Misdemeanor Possess Drug Paraphernalia
James was given a $660,000 secured bond

Editor's Note:* A criminal charge is an accusation, by law, a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven in a court of law.

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