Hendersonville -- February 26, 2024: Hendersonville Police Department:

On February 24, 2024, around 6:54 PM, Hendersonville Police Officers responded to a call about a male stumbling in the roadway in the area of Orr’s Camp Road and Four Seasons Boulevard. As Officers were attempting to locate the male, the communications center was notified about a motor vehicle accident that occurred on Highway 64 near the I26 bridge on the eastbound side.

Investigators determined a driver was traveling east on Highway 64 and collided with a male pedestrian at approximately 7:00 PM. Two lanes of Highway 64 West were temporarily closed to allow emergency personnel to access the injured pedestrian. The injured pedestrian was transported to Pardee Hospital before being flown to Mission Hospital where he succumbed to the injuries sustained in the crash.

It was determined that the pedestrian was intoxicated, and no charges were filed against the driver. The pedestrian was homeless, and Officers are still working to make a next-of-kin notification.

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