Yancey County -- February 12, 2024: The Yancey County Sheriff's Office has taken Leonard Anthony Widawski into custody and filed charges against him in relation to a shooting incident that involved a 15-year-old male. 

The charges against Widawski include assault with a deadly weapon, which led to significant harm.

The incident took place in the Green Mountain area on February 10, 2024, at a swinging bridge on Highway 197 N. A resident of the region started a verbal and physical argument with a group of minors who were visiting the area about parking on private land.

Hearing the argument, Widawski stepped in and shot the 15-year-old male. The victim is currently in a critical but stable condition at Memorial Mission Hospital.

Following an investigation by the Yancey County Sheriff's Office, with the assistance of the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigations, Leonard Anthony Widawski was taken into custody and subsequently released after posting a $75,000 secure bond.

Editor's Note:* A criminal charge is an accusation, by law, a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven in a court of law.


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