Buncombe County -- January 16, 2024: Press Release Buncombe County Sheriffโ€™s Office investigated three homicides during 2023 and were able to bring charges in two of the investigations.

    The third investigation resulted in a determination of a murder/suicide. โ€œFirst, let me say that we hope that the family and friends of these victims have some sense of peace. The Sheriffโ€™s Office offers our condolences beyond our efforts to charge and arrest suspects in these crimes. Thanks to the efforts of our Criminal Investigation Division, Patrol, CSI, and many other personnel within the Buncombe County Sheriffโ€™s Office, we have been able to hold individuals accountable for their violent actions,โ€ says Buncombe County Sheriff Quentin Miller.

    Date: November 29, 2023, Deceased: Jeremy Greer Charged: Eric Jeron Wilson Date: August 11, 2023 Deceased: Jeruan William Spencer Charged: Javorie Thompson Date: February 15, 2023, Deceased: Lauren Payne and Ian Clement Niesel Suspect: Ian Clement Niesel Mr. Spencer was killed in West Asheville and his body was located outside city limits in unincorporated Buncombe County; the Sheriffโ€™s Office handled the criminal investigation. Homicide stats for the Buncombe County Sheriffโ€™s Office from 1970 to present, this consists of homicides that occurred in unincorporated Buncombe County and not within municipal boundaries: 1970 - 5 1971 - 2 1972 - 9 1973 - 3 1974 - 0 1975 - 1 1976 - 1 1977 - 1 1978 - 11 1979 - 7 1980 - 12 1981 - 7 1982 - 4 1983 - 0 1984 - 7 1985 - 3 1986 - 7 1987 - 4 1988 - 3 1989 - 4 1990 - 4 1991 - 6 1992 - 3 1993 - 7 1994 - 5 1995 - 6 1996 - 8 1997 - 6 1998 - 4 1999 - 4 2000 - 4 2001 - 1 2002 - 7 2003 - 4 2004 - 3 2005 - 8 2006 - 3 2007 - 6 2008 - 5 2009 - 4 2010 - 3 2011 - 4 2012 - 4 2013 - 13 2014 - 2 2015 - 4 2016 - 6 2017 - 5 2018 - 1 2019 - 2 2020 - 4 2021 - 7 2022 - 4 2023 - 2

    The Buncombe County Sheriff's Office has a 100 percent clearance rate in all of the 18 homicide investigations they have conducted during the past four years. The national clearance rate for homicides is around 50% according to data collected by the FBI and what has been reported by national media outlets. โ€œI am very proud that the Sheriffโ€™s Office has a 100% clearance rate for homicides from 2020 through 2023. This speaks to the hard-work, professionalism, attention to detail, and teamwork that is present among our sworn personnel, CSI unit and support staff,โ€ says Sheriff Miller.

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