Rutherford County -- January 9, 2024: Investigators from the Rutherford County Sheriff's Office's Street Crimes Unit and Narcotics Unit were patrolling the Hamilton Street area of Forest City on Monday, January 8, 2024.

    Investigators halted their patrol to look into a suspicious car that had been parked in the middle of the road.

    According to the Sheriff's Office Report:

    As Investigators were approaching the vehicle, they observed a rear-seat passenger throw something in the back of the vehicle. Investigators immediately recognized some of the occupants and were aware those subjects were on active supervised probation. During a brief roadside interview with Moesha Carson, she admitted to having a concealed firearm. Carson has multiple felony convictions and isnโ€™t allowed to possess a firearm. During the investigation, a search of the vehicle was conducted, and this led to the seizure of the following:

    132 Grams of Fentanyl (Both pill & Powder form)
    20 Grams of Methamphetamine
    Various Forms of Drug Paraphernalia
    1 Glock 27 40 Caliber Handgun
    1 Smith & Wesson MP9 Shield 9mm Pistol
    $1,270 in US Currency
    As a result, Moesha Desha Carson, 27 of Rutherfordton and Joshua Matthew Brown, 33 of Forest City, were arrested and charged with the following:

    Moesha Carson:
    Trafficking Opium or Heroin (X2)
    PWIMSD Methamphetamine
    Possession of Firearm by Felon
    Possess Drug Paraphernalia
    Carson received a $750,000 secured bond.

    Joshua Brown:
    Possession of Firearm by Felon
    Carrying a Concealed Gun
    Brown will receive a bond when seen by a District Court Judge.

    Editor's Note:* A criminal charge is an accusation, by law, a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven in a court of law.


    Image Credit: WNCTimes

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