Hendersonville -- November 24, 2023: Hendersonville Police were called to Orchard Bar & Grill at Henderson Crossing at
2:36 AM this morning, for a parking lot shooting disturbance.

Police found a man deceased,  a gunshot wound to the head in the parking lot. Officers found and secured a handgun believed to belong to the deceased.

Asheville's 30-year-old Elijah Edward Timmons III died. An altercation with a suspect preceded Timmons' fatal shooting, according to preliminary investigations. However, the suspect is still at large, and this is regarded to be an isolated occurrence with no ongoing public safety danger.

Anyone with information on the incident should contact Lt. Bonanno with the Hendersonville Police Department at (828) 697-3025. Tips may also be submitted through the Hendersonville Police Department App which can be downloaded from the iOS App Store or Google Play Store by searching “Hendersonville PD.”


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