Rutherford County -- September 26, 2023: Detectives from the "Street Crimes Unit" of the Rutherford County Sheriff's Office stopped a car on S. Broadway St. in Forest City last week. 

Detectives had probable cause to search the car after detecting the smell of marijuana emanating from inside during the stop. Four people were inside the car: Aiden Lynch, Danny Oliva Cabrera, Kharief Franklin, and Moesha Carson.

Four weapons—a 40 caliber handgun, a 9mm handgun, an AR-15 pistol, and a 12-gauge shotgun—were found hidden inside a bag by detectives searching the car. Along with seizing $3,886 in US currency from the occupants, detectives also discovered a minor amount of marijuana.
According to the law, CARSON is not permitted to own or have access to a functional handgun. Detectives discovered that he is a convicted criminal in the State of North Carolina. The four individuals were detained on the following charges as a result of the aforementioned facts:
Aiden Lynch: Convicted felon having firearm possession assistance, possession of a Schedule VI controlled substance, and concealment of a concealed weapon.
Kharief Franklin is accused of harboring a concealed handgun, possessing a Schedule VI controlled substance, and aiding and abetting a felon in the possession of a firearm.
Danny Oliva Cabrera: Aiding and Abetting Convicted Felon in Conviction; Possession of Schedule VI Controlled Substance; and Carrying a Concealed Handgun.
Moesha Carson: Convicted felon owning a firearm, possessing a Schedule VI controlled substance, and carrying a concealed handgun.

 Editor's Note:* A criminal charge is an accusation, by law, a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven in a court of law.


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