National Voter Registration Day, celebrated on September 19, 2023, is a poignant reminder of the essence of democracy: the right to vote and have that vote counted.

It serves as a resounding call to action, reinforcing our collective commitment to inclusivity and civic engagement.

In a democracy, the power lies with the people, and the act of voting is the conduit through which their voices resonate. Without this fundamental right, our democratic edifice crumbles. Yet, with it, we unlock boundless possibilities.

On this day, all eligible Americans are urged to register to vote, ensuring their voices are heard and their choices matter. National Voter Registration Day symbolizes the cornerstone of our democracy, where every citizen's opinion carries weight and collectively, we shape the future.

Register online, by mail, or in person! 

Find more information in North Carolina here

Search for voter details, including jurisdictions, polling place, sample ballot when available, absentee ballot information, and voter history in North Carolina  here

WNCTimes September 2023

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