Qualla Boundary, NC -- June 20, 2022: North Carolina residents now have the opportunity to apply for the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians' (EBCI) medical cannabis program.

EBCI medical cannabis candidates must meet certain criteria. They must be 21 to use medical marijuana responsibly. The program's qualifying symptoms must be medically diagnosed. Conditions include:

Now open to the rest of the state, medical cannabis card applicants must be North Carolina residents, at least 21 years old, and have one of 18 qualifying health conditions.

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome;
An anxiety disorder;
An autism spectrum disorder;
An autoimmune disorder;
Anorexia nervosa;
Dependence upon or addiction to opioids;
A medical condition or treatment for a medical condition that produces, for a specific patient, one or more of the following:
Muscle spasms, including, without limitation, spasms caused by multiple sclerosis;
Seizures, including, without limitation, seizures caused by epilepsy;
Nausea; or
Severe or chronic pain;
A medical condition related to the human immunodeficiency virus;
Post-traumatic stress disorder;
Crohn’s disease;
Sickle cell anemia;
Amyotrophic lateral syndrome;
Parkinson’s disease;
A condition resulting in the patient receiving Hospice care;
A terminal illness when the patient’s remaining life expectancy is less than six months.

EBCI Application


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