Avery County -- May 16, 2023: The largest Fentanyl seizure in Avery County history was
discovered on April 14, 2023.

Agents from the county's Criminal Investigations and Narcotics Division executed a search warrant
at a home in the Ingalls neighborhood.  Both powder and pills containing fentanyl were found.  In the home,
investigators also discovered a sizable quantity of methamphetamine and weapons. The following charges have been
brought against the two people who were found at the house:

Browne Ingram, 40
-Trafficking Opium or Heroin
-Traffick in Methamphetamine
-Possession with intent to Sell/Deliver Methamphetamine
-Possession with intent to Sell/Deliver Schedule I Controlled Substance
-Possession with intent to Sell/Deliver Heroin
-Possession with intent to Sell/Deliver Marijuana

Cierra Young, 32
-Trafficking Opium or Heroin
-Traffick in Methamphetamine
-Possession with intent to Sell/Deliver Methamphetamine
-Possession with intent to Sell/Deliver Schedule I Controlled Substance
-Possession with intent to Sell/Deliver Heroin
-Possession with intent to Sell/Deliver Marijuana

Editor's Note:* A criminal charge is an accusation, by law, a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven in a court of law.

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