The Villages, FL -- August 23, 2022  According to court documents, a third Villager has admitted to casting two ballots in the 2020 election. Joan Halstead, 73 of the Villages, enrolled in a pretrial intervention

program on Wednesday. If she successfully completes court-ordered requirements like performing community service and going to a civics class, she will be able to avoid potential prison time.

Halstead agreed to cooperate with prosecutors in exchange for her admission of guilt.
The formal agreement reads that "the parties agree that the first step in her recovery is to admit her wrongdoing."
Charles Barnes and Jay Ketcik, two additional Villages residents suspected of voting twice, signed such pretrial intervention agreements earlier this year.
If a jury found them guilty of the third-degree crime, they could all spend up to five years in jail.
John Rider, a fourth inhabitant of the enormous retirement home, is still awaiting trial. Rider has entered a not-guilty plea.
The prosecution of Halstead, Barnes, and Ketcik will be postponed under the pretrial intervention contracts for an 18-month term, with a potential for a permanent postponement provided they successfully complete the court-ordered conditions.
According to records, these conditions include abstaining from breaking any laws, obtaining a firearm without permission, and moving without authorization without changing their address or place of employment.

The agreement also stipulates that Halstead, Barnes, and Ketcik must pass a 12-week adult civics course based on the book "We the People; the Citizen and the Constitution" with a grade of C or higher.
According to state election records, Rider, Ketcik, and Halstead were registered as Republicans at the time of the 2020 election. Barnes was not connected to any political organization.

Editor's Note:* A criminal charge is an accusation, by law, a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven in a court of law.

WNCTIMES by Marjorie Farrigton

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