NC Town Closes Town Hall and Police Department Due to COVID-19
Pittsboro -- Due to staffing issues and COVID-19-related health concerns, the Pittsboro Town Hall, which is located at 635 East Street in Pittsboro, will be off-limits to the general public until
at least Monday, August 15th, 2022. Both walk-in and drive-through services are impacted by this shutdown. Call the front desk at 919-542-4621, enter extension 1100, and leave a voicemail if no one picks up if you need to talk with someone at Town Hall.
Visitors and walk-in services are likewise not permitted at the Police Department. If you require speaking with a police officer, call the Pittsboro Police Department at (919) 542-3200 during regular business hours or Chatham County Emergency Communications at (919) 542-2911 outside of business hours. Be sure to specify that you require speaking with a Pittsboro police officer.
Pittsboro hopes that on Monday, August 15, 2022, they will be able to reopen Town Hall. If the reopening is going to be postponed, it will be announced. Visit their website here
WNCTIMES by Marjorie Farrington