Brother Wolf is working hard to help people and animals in Florida with the recovery after Hurricane Michael. They are in need of volunteers and donations. Please see below.


    Victims of the hurricane need your help! Our Rapid Response team is in Florida and we are doing as much as we can to help both people and animals in need. We are sending down a van of supplies in the next few days and plan to continue to send supplies down for the foreseeable future. Here is a link to our amazon wish list, which has items that will ship directly to us BWAR Hurricane Michael Needs. We also need 5 gallon and one gallon jugs of water to be dropped off at the Adoption Center. The address is 31 Glendale Ave in Asheville. Please help by donating and sharing!

    We're in URGENT need two volunteers to drive a van load of supplies to our search and rescue team in FL and stay in the area for 3-5 days. This volunteer team will be driving around areas affected by Hurricane Michael inquiring with families and assessing their needs. This work will be extremely helpful in getting a better understanding of where we should drop off supplies and offer support to families and their pets.

    If you can help, please complete for rapid responseย Volunteer Formย 

    Check out photographs, videos and posts to learn more about all of the hard work BWAR is doing to help so many who are struggling after Hurricane Michael!



    Here at home, adopt a cat while adoption fee is waved!

    We have SO many lovely, loving cats for adoption that we're offering fee-waived adoptions for cats over 6 months old! Come meet your new lap warmer tomorrow from 10am-6pm at the adoption center in Asheville.


    photo Pixabay



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