Spartanburg, SC -- March 11, 2022: Caleb Kennedy, a former American Idol contestant charged in a deadly

February crash, will remain in jail until the State Law Enforcement Division completes his blood toxicology report.

Kennedy’s defense attorney called for an emergency hearing Thursday morning where he asked for a judge to set a bond. 

Kennedy was not granted bond in early February during his initial hearing in magistrate court and a circuit court judge delayed bond in his second appearance to allow time for medical evidence to become available. According to Kennedy’s defense attorney, that analysis could take several months to complete.

Kennedy faces a felony DUI with death charge after he allegedly drove his truck off the road in early February, hitting 54-year-old Larry Parris on his private driveway. Parris later died from his injurie

Kennedy allegedly drove his off the road in early February. His truck hit Larry Parris in his private driveway. Parris died of his injuries later.

“Larry doesn’t have the option to come home and spend time with his family and sleep in his own bed,” Donna Parris, the victim’s wife said with tears in her eyes. “He didn’t do anything wrong. I ask you to deny bond please.”

.“This is no different from any other case that’s been in this county before this court on a 17-year-old that’s a B.A. of 0.18 where they have given bond. I just don’t understand,” said Ryan Beasley, Caleb Kennedy’s defense attorney. “There is nothing else that could be any different, even if the blood shows that he has some kind of THC or other kind of drug in there.”

Circuit Court Judge Daniel Hall said “There is no complete blood toxicology report. That has not been presented to the court today,.Nothing has changed, those conditions have not been met. There hasn’t been a change in circumstances so I’m not going to go any further with this bond hearing today.”

*Editor's Note: A criminal charge is an accusation, by law, a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven in a court of law.

Wnctimes by Marjorie Farrington

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