News -- February 7, 2022: In a press release Sunday, the Navy confirmed that Seaman Kyle Mullen, 24, of Manalapan,

    New Jersey, a SEAL candidate assigned to Naval Special Warfare Basic Training Command, died at Sharp Coronado Hospital at 5:42 pm Friday in Coronado, California.

    Earlier in the day, Mullen and his Basic Underwater Demolition SEAL (BUD/S) class successfully completed Hell Week, an assessment event during the first phase of the Navy SEAL attribute assessment and selection pathway.

    โ€œWe extend our deepest sympathies to Seaman Mullenโ€™s family for their loss,โ€ said Rear Adm. H.W. Howard III, commander, Naval Special Warfare Command. โ€œWe are extending every form of support we can to the Mullen family and Kyleโ€™s BUD/S classmates.โ€

    The cause of his death is currently unknown and an investigation is underway.

    Wnctimes by Marjorie Farrington

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