NEWS -- Monday, January 24, 2022: A federal trial for three former Minneapolis Police Department officers

has begun today in the case of George Floyd, who died after being restrained by police outside of Cup Foods in 2020.

Former MPD officers J. Alexander Kueng, Thomas Lane, and Tou Thao face charges of depriving George Floyd of his civil rights outside of Cup Foods after failing to intervene as fellow officer Derek Chauvin kneeled on Floyd's neck for nine minutes and 29 seconds, and not providing medical assistance as Floyd took his last breaths.

Thao and Kueng face an additional count for failing to stop Chauvin

The fourth ex-MPD officer, Derek Chauvin, has already pleaded guilty in the case.

Federal court judge Paul Magnuson estimates that it will take four weeks to complete the trial. Cameras are not allowed in the courtroom.

Wnctimes by January 24, 2022

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