Henderson County, NC - January 8, 2021: U.S. Marshals have joined the search for a dangerous convicted 

sex offender who is wanted in Henderson County, North Carolina. 

 A $1, 000 reward for information leading to his arrest.

Pressley has vanished from his parole supervision, is believed to be armed and dangerous,  he may be
the area staying with friends or releatives.


white male with blue eyes and a bald head
5 feet 8 inches tall and weighs approximately 170 pounds

Authorities say Pressley should be considered armed and dangerous.Anyone with information on Pressley’s whereabouts should contact the U.S. Marshals Service at 1-877-WANTED2,or use the USMS Tips App. Your information will be taken in strict confidence and your anonymity is guaranteed.



Marjorie Farrington

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